Tell Congress: No Federal Vouchers. Not Now, Not Ever.
It is School Choice Week, and the usual suspects are pressuring Congress to pass a national tax-credit voucher bill called the Educational Choice for Children Act(ECCA).
It is School Choice Week, and the usual suspects are pressuring Congress to pass a national tax-credit voucher bill called the Educational Choice for Children Act(ECCA).
Send your letter to Governor Sununu today and tell him to roll back his expensive government voucher program.
We are following bills in multiple states that would have a devastating impact on the funds available to support public schools.
The School Privatization Explained Toolkit presents evidence of what we know about charters, vouchers and other forms of privatization.
Florida SB 48 merges and expands the multiple voucher programs that already exist into two large programs. Take action today.
Cenac will spend Season 2 speaking with students, educators and some of the most prominent names in education policy - including NPE's Diane Ravitch.
We need you to contact friends and family across the state. Tell them to VOTE NO on Prop 305.
On behalf of the Boards of both NPE and NPE... View Article
See below for an important message from our friends... View Article