Vouchers, Conference, an Important New Report and More
On behalf of the Boards of both NPE and NPE Action, I extend our deep condolences to the students, families and educators of Santa Fe High School in Texas. We are deeply saddened by this tragic loss of young life to gun violence.
To learn about our stand regarding gun violence, please go here. The status quo is not acceptable.
Once Again Federal Voucher Proponents Try to Insert Vouchers into a Bill
Mr. Banks of Indiana will just not let his federal voucher bill die. After it was rejected by the House Armed Services Committee, he immediately proposed it as an amendment to the defense bill. That amendment will be considered by the House Rules Committee on Monday. Please click on the four tweets below now. Let’s make every member of that committee know we are opposed to vouchers.

Then call the House Committee on Rules at: (202) 225-9191. If the office is closed, you can leave this brief message on the machine.
“My name is (add name) and I am a resident of (state). I am asking that the Rules Committee not allow the addition of Amendment 40 to the National Defense Authorization Act. I do not want the federal government funding vouchers for private schools, nor do I want public schools to lose Impact Aid. Thank you.”
Early Bird Tickets to our Annual Conference Are Almost Gone
Early Bird tickets to our October 20-21 conference in Indianapolis are selling fast. There are only 41 left. At a price of $125, our Early Bird tickets are a true bargain. Our Early Bird offer ends on May 30.
You can buy your ticket here. Please be sure to register for your hotel as well to get one of the limited reduced rate rooms. Here are a few of our outstanding Keynoters, with more to come!
The Network for Public Education Action highly recommends that you read the important new report issued by Journey for Justice entitled “Failing Brown v Board.” You can find that report here. Tomorrow, the Network for Public Education will release the final video in its series. It features Journey for Justice Director and NPE Action Board member, Jitu Brown. Please be sure to watch it and share it. It will be posted on the NPE Action Facebook page.
Thank you for all you do!
Carol Burris, Executive Director