Take Action

May 16, 2024

Urgent: Tell Congress (Again) Do NOT Increase Charter School Program Funding

Despite mounting charter school scandals, the charter lobby is aggressively pushing Congress to increase federal Charter School Programs (CSP) funding. Please send your letter to your Congress today and urge them to support cuts, not increases, to the federal Charter School Programs. 

July 14, 2021

Urgent: Tell Congress: Decrease funding for the Charter Schools Program

Here's what you can do to to tell your representative not to support an increase to the federal Charter Schools Program.

June 13, 2021

School Privatization Bills on a Fast-track Across the Nation

We are following bills in multiple states that would have a devastating impact on the funds available to support public schools.

May 17, 2021

Urgent: Stop the New Texas Voucher Bill

Please drop what you are doing and pick up the... View Article

April 27, 2021

Alabama Action Alert: Bill to Divert Public School Funds to Charters is Introduced

Drop what you are doing and act to save public... View Article