Take Action

May 16, 2024

Urgent: Tell Congress (Again) Do NOT Increase Charter School Program Funding

Despite mounting charter school scandals, the charter lobby is aggressively pushing Congress to increase federal Charter School Programs (CSP) funding. Please send your letter to your Congress today and urge them to support cuts, not increases, to the federal Charter School Programs. 

February 2, 2021

Urgent: Stop the Florida Mega-Voucher Bill Today

Florida SB 48 merges and expands the multiple voucher programs that already exist into two large programs. Take action today.

September 9, 2020

Urgent: Stop Ted Cruz and Betsy DeVos From Using COVID Relief to Fund Private School Scholarships

It is hard to believe. Rather than fully support our... View Article

July 13, 2020

Tell Congress: Reject Funding Vouchers in the COVID Bill

Emboldened by the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision in Espinoza v.... View Article

February 20, 2020

The COAT Act for Charter Transparency and Accountability

Please use our simple letter writing campaign to ask your representative to co-sponsor the Charter Oversight, Accountability, and Transparency (COAT) Act.