Take Action

May 16, 2024

Urgent: Tell Congress (Again) Do NOT Increase Charter School Program Funding

Despite mounting charter school scandals, the charter lobby is aggressively pushing Congress to increase federal Charter School Programs (CSP) funding. Please send your letter to your Congress today and urge them to support cuts, not increases, to the federal Charter School Programs. 

April 8, 2021

Bad Charter School Bill Alert: Stop HB487

HB487 would allow local tax dollars and foundation program funding to flow to charter schools.

March 23, 2021

ACT NOW! Voucher Expansion and ESAs Added to Budget Bill

Let Indiana legislators know you want them to support Indiana's public schools and oppose this latest attempt to privatize them.

March 19, 2021

Oppose HB32, the North Carolina Voucher Bill

Help stop HB32, a voucher expansion bill that furthers the privatization of public education. House votes March 23 - time is of the essence!

February 9, 2021

Urgent: Stop Voucher Expansion in North Carolina

Drop what you are doing and act to save your public schools. Once again, the North Carolina legislature is attempting to expand vouchers.