Urgent: Tell Congress: Decrease funding for the Charter Schools Program

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Despite the waste of our tax dollars on charter schools that never open or quickly close; despite the hundreds of millions that have gone to for-profit run schools; despite the recently exposed problems with North Carolina’s charter school grant; despite scandals involving some of the top CMO Charter School Program (CSP) grantees, charter school lobbyists are pushing hard for an increase to the CSP program.

That is outrageous. 

Please send your letter now to your representative in the House and tell them not to support an increase for the federal Charter Schools Program.  Click here.

Then pick up the phone and call.  You can find your Representative’s number here.

Here is a script you can use:

My name is (your name), and I am a constituent of (member’s name). I am calling to ensure that the (Congressman/woman) does not support any increases to the U.S. Department of Education’s Charter Schools Program. I believe funding should be slashed based on the waste, fraud, and abuse by grantees. The program needs reform, not more tax dollars. Thank you for listening. 

Please do not wait!  Thursday, July 15, is the day for funding review.

Thanks for all you do.