Amy McGrath for United States Senate, Kentucky
NPE Action has endorsed Amy McGrath in her bid to unseat Kentucky’s senior United States Senator and Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell.
NPE Action has endorsed Amy McGrath in her bid to unseat Kentucky’s senior United States Senator and Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell.
Please be sure to get to the polls on November 3rd to support Daqavise Winston for IPS School Board District 2 Seat.
Please be sure to get to the polls on November 3rd to support Brandon Randall for IPS School Board District 1 Seat.
Please be sure to get to the polls on November 3rd to support Elizabeth Gore for the IPS School Board At-Large Seat.
Please be sure to get to the polls on November 3rd to support Christina Smith for IPS School Board District 4 Seat.
It is hard to believe. Rather than fully support our... View Article
July 1st is Diane's birthday. If you make a donation of ten dollars or more, we will put your name on a special card we are preparing for Diane.
Please use our simple letter writing campaign to ask your representative to co-sponsor the Charter Oversight, Accountability, and Transparency (COAT) Act.
Find out where Michael Bloomberg stands on supporting community public schools. #NPEAction2020 #PresidentialCandidatesProject