NPE Action Alerts

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Tell the Senate: Protect Children’s Health

The removal of CDC data on teenage health, along with the nomination of anti-vaccination activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., pose a clear and present danger to our children’s health. Send your letter to let the Senate know that children’s health, not politics, must come first.

Urgent: Tell Congress (Again) Do NOT Increase Charter School Program Funding

Despite mounting charter school scandals, the charter lobby is aggressively pushing Congress to increase federal Charter School Programs (CSP) funding. Please send your letter to your Congress today and urge them to support cuts, not increases, to the federal Charter School Programs. 

Tell Congress: Support Increased Mental Health Services for Students

This legislation, introduced by a great friend of public education, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, would: Assist in hiring school-based mental health services providers to provide school-based mental health services to students and implement evidence-based practices to improve school climate Implement strategies to recruit and retain school-based mental health services providers through salary stipends, relocation benefits, professional… View Article

ACT NOW! Tell Congress: “Don’t Overturn CSP Reform Regulations.”

Contact your members of Congress today and tell them to oppose the joint resolution to overturn the common sense CSP reform regulations.

Stop Sununu’s Vouchers Before They Destroy Our Public Schools

Send your letter to Governor Sununu today and tell him to roll back his expensive government voucher program.

Tell Your Governor: Stand up for Students and Teachers

The future and safety of our children are at stake. Putting untrained people in classrooms is a foolhardy way to solve a teacher shortage

Urgent: Tell Congress: Decrease funding for the Charter Schools Program

Here’s what you can do to to tell your representative not to support an increase to the federal Charter Schools Program.

School Privatization Bills on a Fast-track Across the Nation

We are following bills in multiple states that would have a devastating impact on the funds available to support public schools.

Urgent: Stop the New Texas Voucher Bill

Please drop what you are doing and pick up the phone! We have just learned that SB 1716, a special education voucher bill, will likely come before the House Public Education Committee later today without a public hearing. We have seen several voucher bills get through in other states using such underhanded tactics.   Please pick up the… View Article