Wiley Nickel for North Carolina’s 13th Congressional District

The Network for Public Education Action is proud to endorse Wiley Nickel for the newly-drawn North Carolina 13th Congressional district which includes Wake, Johnston, and parts of Harnett and Wayne counties. Wiley is a husband, father, North Carolina State Senator, and criminal defense attorney. He lives in Cary with his wife, Caroline, and their two young children.
Sen. Nickel authored the “K-3 Reading And Literacy Improvement Act” that appropriated $271 Million from the General Fund to ensure one Teacher Assistant for every class in Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade and one Teacher Assistant for every three classes in Third Grade. He also authored the “Ensure Healthy Schools/COVID-19” Bill which provided funding to ensure each public school is staffed by at least one full time Nurse. Finally, Sen. Nickel opposed the 2021 Republican Budget that failed to invest in North Carolina’s public schools, give teachers a meaningful pay increase, and excluded the schools that needed funding the most from funding increases.
Sen. Nickel has consistently opposed voucher programs. He supports raising teacher pay and providing master’s pay. He also sponsored a charter moratorium. NPE Action urges North Carolina public education supporters to get out the vote for Wiley Nickel in the primary on May 17th.
No candidate authorized this ad. It is paid for by Network for Public Education Action, New York, New York.