Vangie Williams for Virginia’s 1st Congressional District

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NPE Action has endorsed Vangie Williams in her race for Virginia’s 1st Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. Her campaign message is that she will work towards a government that works for the people of Virginia, not corporate PACs from out-of-state.

Vangie is a public school graduate and her six daughters are enrolled in public schools. She understands how low teacher pay and morale has led to a teacher shortage in her state.

Some of the important issues she identified in Virginia’s public schools were the need for more seats for early childhood education/preschool, and insufficient funding and resources for school infrastructure renovations and improvements.

On the topic of high-stakes standardized testing she told NPE Action that she sees a need for a greater commitment to authentic, real-world learning experiences and richer and more meaningful metrics to measure children’s educational abilities and accomplishments.

Most importantly, she told us that she is against the movement to privatize public education.

Vangie won her primary on June 12 and now she needs your support in the general election on November 6. Please help us spread the word about this pro-public education candidate.

Pol. adv. by the Network for Public Education Action