Take Action

May 16, 2024

Urgent: Tell Congress (Again) Do NOT Increase Charter School Program Funding

Despite mounting charter school scandals, the charter lobby is aggressively pushing Congress to increase federal Charter School Programs (CSP) funding. Please send your letter to your Congress today and urge them to support cuts, not increases, to the federal Charter School Programs. 

February 17, 2017

Tell Texas Senators NO Vouchers!

We need your help to stop a voucher bill that has been introduced in the Texas Senate.

February 10, 2017

Don’t let Andrew Cuomo do Betsy De Vos’s dirty work in New York

There is a reason that Betsy DeVos sings the praises... View Article

March 23, 2016

Help Select 3 Questions for the Candidates

With less than 8 months to go until the election, public education advocates are still waiting for both democratic candidates to speak substantively about our issues.

March 14, 2016

Senator Sanders: Keep Talking About K-12 Education!

We are public education students, parents, educators, and advocates from around the country, and we want to have a conversation with you about K-12 education.