TJ Mertz for Madison Metropolitan School District Board of Education, Seat #5

The Network for Public Education Action is pleased to announce our endorsement of TJ Mertz for a third term on the Madison Metropolitan School District Board of Education.
TJ has dedicated his life to understanding and improving public education. He has taught history and education at the college level, and prior to his board service he was a Board Member of Wisconsin Alliance for Excellent Schools, and a Co-Chair of Community and Schools Together.
In 2018 TJ filed an open records request related to the authorization of two new Madison, Wisconsin charter schools, demonstrating his seriousness regarding transparency and accountability for the charter sector.
He also demonstrated his commitment to pushing back against using standardized testing data to evaluate teachers by blocking the use of a hiring and screening tool based on student test scores.
TJ’s family worked to integrate the schools in his childhood hometown of Evanston, Illinois, and his experiences in those integrated schools taught him that schools can transform lives and communities.
“Our children need rich cultural experiences, emotional well-being, and a sense of community. We want to prepare students for success in the world as it is and give them the tools to improve that world.”
TJ’s primary is tomorrow, February 19th. Please get out to the polls to support this knowledgeable, dedicated servant of our public schools.