Shane Parmely for the California State Assembly

The Network for Public Education Action is pleased to endorse Shane Parmely for California State Assembly, D-79.
When asked what was needed to improve public education, Shane said, “Schools in California are underfunded in general, and super underfunded in certain neighborhoods in my district. Historically over policed and underserved neighborhoods should receive additional funding (and one of these neighborhoods is where I teach). I propose a reallocation of money currently spent on policing to be redirected to recognized, specialized programs that serve the broader needs of the community and have trained staff that can respond to many of the incidents police are currently called in to handle. Additionally, economically depressed neighborhoods should receive additional funding for after-school and community center programs so that students have additional positive options for how to spend their time outside of school.”
Read what Shane said about issues important to our Public Schools:
Testing: “Standardized testing is part of the privatization agenda and only serves to divert tax dollars away from our classrooms and into corporate coffers.”
Education Savings Account (vouchers): “None of these should be allowed. Public funds should only be used for truly public schools that allow ALL neighborhood children to enroll.”
Virtual/Online Schools: “Virtual/online schools are mostly a scam designed to make money. Research shows that the majority of students enrolled in these types of schools do not possess the independent reading and writing skills to adequately access the material and complete the work at grade level. They do not demonstrate a public good or produce improved results, they just drain the district’s resources.”
Class Size: “Yes, class size matters. I’m already planning to pursue legislation to reduce class size and Special Education caseload size.”
Shane is an outstanding candidate and will be a strong advocate for communities in D-79. Please be sure to cast your ballot for this career educator in the primary election on April 6th.