Re-elect Terri Michal to the Birmingham School Board

The Network for Public Education Action has endorsed Terri Michal for re-election in the Birmingham School Board District 2 race.
As Director of Support Our Students and a member of the National BATs leadership team, Terri is a fierce advocate for public schools. She was very involved in the campaign to keep charters out of Alabama. Even though the law was eventually passed, Terri is still continuing the fight and she has helped keep charter schools out of Birmingham.
Now that she’s up for re-election after four successful years as a board member, the charter lobby in Alabama is trying to unseat her. Here’s what Terri told NPE Action:
The charter school folks are pretty upset at how slow things are going (we only have 2 charter schools so far) so they decided they needed to take over the board.
They have put someone from New Schools for Alabama up against me. (They are an arm of the New Schools Venture Fund). There’s already one charter school supporter on the board running unopposed. They very well could take us over. If they do, I guarantee you we will be turned into a conversion charter school district.
Please vote for Terri Michal on August 24 to ensure the school board seat of a dedicated public education champion isn’t hijacked by the national charter lobby.