Pre-Order Diane’s New Book – Slaying Goliath

Follow this link to pre-order Diane’s new book, Slaying Goliath: The Passionate Resistance to Privatization and the Fight to Save America’s Public Schools.
Here’s what Diane had to say about it:
It will be published on January 14, 2020, by Knopf, the most prestigious publisher in America. The editor is the brilliant Victoria Wilson, who is also an author, having written the definitive biography of Barbara Stanwyck.
In Slaying Goliath, you will read about the heroes of the Resistance, those who stood up to Big Money and defeated disruption in their schools, their communities, their cities, their states.
It is a book of inspiration and hope.
It shows how determined citizens—parents, students, teachers, everyone—can stand up for democracy, can stand up to the billionaires, and win.
Please consider pre-ordering your copy so you can be sure to get the first edition.