NPE Action proudly endorses Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for President and Vice President of the U.S.A.

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The Network for Public Education Action announces our strong support for Kamala Harris for President and her outstanding pick for Vice President, Tim Walz. Vice-President Harris proudly noted that she is a product of public education when she addressed teachers last week. Tim Walz is a former high school teacher and coach.

As Attorney General, Kamala Harris clawed back nearly $170 million from the K12/Stride for-profit charter chain, which led to legislation banning for-profits from operating charter schools in California.

Our research on the Vice President found that she is a strong advocate for:

  • dramatic increases in teacher pay to make it commensurate with other professions that require the same educational credentials.
  • investment in teacher preparation programs in HBCUs.
  • increased funding for Head Start.
  • grants to school districts to promote desegregation.
  • increased funding to enforce Title IX.
  • full protections for LGBTQ+ students.
  • debt forgiveness for students defrauded by for-profit colleges.
  • improvements in student school attendance.
  • honest curriculum and libraries free of political interference.

Our research on former President Trump shows that his position regarding public schools has become even more hostile than it was when Betsy De Vos was his Secretary of Education. On the stump he has repeatedly stated that he would deny federal funds to any public school that had a vaccine mandate for any childhood disease, which would result in the reemergence and spread of dangerous diseases such as Polio, Diptheria, Whooping Cough and more. 

The party platform, entitled Make America Great Again, which features Donald Trump, calls for the following:

  • The elimination the Department of Education.
  • The elimination of teacher tenure replaced by merit pay for teachers.
  • Taxpayer-funded ESA vouchers and taxpayer-funded homeschools.
  • Defunding schools that engage in Trump’s self-defined “indoctrination.”
  • Allowing prayer and bible reading in public schools.
  • Converting federal programs like IDEA and Title I into block grants to the states, thus eliminating the federal protections for students that come with their acceptance.

We urge all voters to go to the polls this November and vote for Harris and Walz.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. Authorized and paid for by Network for Public Education Action, PO Box 227. New York, NY 10156. 646-678-4477.