NPE Action Endorses Mike Hutchinson for Oakland School Board.

The Network for Public Education Action is proud to endorse Mike Hutchinson for Oakland, California School Board District 5.
Mike, who co-founded the Oakland Public Education Network (OPEN), was born, raised, and educated in Oakland. Both of Mike’s parents and his brother were educators. He has spent over 20 years working and volunteering in Oakland’s schools and with Oakland youth.
He has been at the forefront of fighting against school closures, for democratically elected school boards, and to end the adversarial relationship between the school board and community by creating an authentic community engagement process where the community is treated as partners and decision makers.
Mike’s positions on testing, charters, and vouchers are all in line with those of NPE Action. Here’s what Mike told us.
Testing: “We need to end high stakes testing and the reliance on racist standardized tests. There should be less testing and the tests should only be used as a small part of assessing student progress.”
Charters: “Charter schools are not public schools. I have been working for years to end the privatization of public education. I have never, and would never, advocate for a charter school.”
“Oakland has the highest rate of charter schools in California. If elected I will fully implement and enforce AB 1505 which will greatly limit new charters schools and charter school growth and will close underperforming charter schools through a strengthened renewal process.”
Vouchers: “I am against them and any siphoning off of public education dollars.”
NPE Action urges Oakland public education supporters to get out the vote for Mike Hutchinson on November 3, 2020.
No candidate authorized this ad. It is paid for by Network for Public Education Action, New York, New York.