NPE Action endorses Lynn Edmonds for re-election to the Wake County School Board, District 5, North Carolina

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The Network for Public Education Action is proud to endorse Lynn Edmonds for re-election to the Wake County School Board, District 5 in North Carolina. Lynn has been serving on the board since 2022. Lynn and her husband both graduated from Durham Public Schools. Her two children also attended Wake County Public Schools. She served on the PTA and holds an at-large position on the Wake Library Commission. She also serves as the outreach director for Public Schools First NC. Lynn believes that public schools are a public good and as such deserve our support and investment. Lynn knows that public schools are vital to a healthy democracy.  She told NPE Action that students, teachers and school staff need champions right now. She has proved to be that champion since 2022 as a valued Board member. Lynn has been a leader who has advocated for the needs of students and families in her district. She will continue to be that champion and leader that children need.   

If re-elected, Lynn will work hard to address the staffing shortage in Wake County schools. She plans to advocate for better pay for teachers, support a “grow your own” program, and continue to foster an environment where teachers feel supported. Lynn supports the teaching of facts and truth. She trusts the professionalism of Wake County teachers to guide their students through discussions on challenging subject matters. She also supports school librarians to select age appropriate books and to guide students in the selection of reading material. She will support the Freedom to Read as outlined in the American Library Association and the WCPSS review process when books are challenged. Lynn supports WCPSS belief that every student is expected to learn, grow, and succeed. She will look to the Office of Equity Affairs to guide her and the board in best practices regarding equity and inclusion. Lynn will continue to work hard to strengthen and expand restorative justice practices, equity training, and bullying prevention.

Lynn’s positions on testing, charters, and vouchers are all in line with those of NPE Action. 

Here’s what Lynn told us.

Testing: “We should use tests as a guide for where we need to improve, not as a punitive tool to shame or punish teachers and students. I believe we need less testing but I do not support eliminating testing. We need some method of measuring academic gains and losses with the goal of helping teachers and students, and focusing resources to support better outcomes.”

Charters:  “I am greatly concerned how the original concept and intent of charter schools has been perverted into a for-profit, privatization tool. Too often they are unaccountable to taxpayers and highly segregated. Charters and “choice” are contributing to the false narrative of “failing” public schools and helping to further segregate our public schools. I have never advocated for any charter school.”

Vouchers:  “I am vehemently opposed to private school vouchers. Public dollars should stay in public schools.”

NPE Action urges Wake County School Board, District 5 public education supporters to get out the vote for Lynn Edmonds on November 5th.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. Authorized and paid for by Network for Public Education Action, PO Box 227. New York, NY 10156. 646-678-4477.