NPE Action endorses four candidates for Chicago City Council

Alderperson Byron Sigcho-Lopez is running for reelection in the 25th Ward. Byron was elected to the city council in 2019. As an immigrant who came to the US alone as a teenager, Byron found care in everyday teachers, coaches, and community members who gave him shelter, guidance, taught him the English language, and gave him a pathway to a good education. He became politically active after former-Mayor Rahm Emanuel listed a neighborhood public school for closure where Byron volunteered as a soccer coach and led community efforts to keep that school open which were successful. Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez grew in this work as an educator and member of Teacher’s for Social Justice.
Alderperson Jeanette Taylor is running for reelection in the 20th Ward. She was elected to the city council in 2019. Alderwoman Taylor has over 20 years as a local school council member and in 2015, was a participant in the historic Dyett Hunger strike. A Chicago Public Schools parent, Jeanette served on the Mollison Elementary Local School Council for 19 years, and fought the closure of that school three times. Jeanette is a tried and true community organizer who will continue to fight for the dignity and respect her community and its children deserve.

Khari Humphries is running for the seat in the 4th Ward. Khari has a consistent, stellar history of commitment to grassroots youth development and investment and is a long time board member of the venerable Kenwood Oakland Community Organization. Khari has more than 25 years of experience in the nonprofit and community engagement world. Most recently he is serving as senior manager of Community Life for real estate developer The Community Builders and before that Khari served as director of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago.
Angela Clay is running for the seat in the 46th Ward. Angela was an original member of Voices of Youth in Chicago Education, who held the charter school powerhouse Noble Street Charter School accountable for their practice of “fining” students for disciplinary infractions. Angela grew up in the public schools of the 46th Ward. She believes that Chicago schools should be a place where all of the city’s children can thrive. Angela believes that there needs to be a strong grassroots representation of parents, students, and community members on fully elected school boards for CPS and Chicago City Colleges by 2025. She also strongly believes that CPS needs to be transformed into a Sustainable Community School District.

All four candidates are staunch in their commitment to equity in public education. They told NPE Action in a collective statement that they will fight for an end to charter expansion and racist school closings. They collectively want the expansion of sustainable community schools, funding equity and an end to the scam called school choice expressed through the charter industry and vouchers.
On February 28th please head to the polls and support Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez, Alderperson Jeanette Taylor, Khari Humpries, and Angela Clay for Chicago City Council.