NPE Action Endorses Deb Mayer for School Board

NPE Action gives its strong endorsement to Deb Mayer for Portland Public School Board Director, Zone 3. Deb is a long-time parent supporter of public education and the Co-Director of Parents Across America.
Deb supports the reduction of student testing. She told us, “Tests should be used to inform instruction. High stakes standardized test do not do that. Formative, often teacher-made tests, are most valuable to teachers and students. Oregon has far too many standardized summative tests.”
Deb opposes charter schools because they drain funding for public schools. She is also opposed to vouchers and online schools and she has “grave concerns” regarding the lack of student data privacy.
She is for better funding for public schools, smaller class sizes and safer schools.
For all of the above and more, we support her candidacy. Please cast your vote for Deb Mayer on May 21.