NPE Action 2020 Presidential Candidates Project
For an explanation of why the candidates received the grades they did, click on their names to the left or on the “click here for more” on the right.
Donor Grade Explanation
Large donors give to candidates who support their point of view. Such donors receive special access to the candidate should they be elected. This rating measures the extent to which candidates have received large donations from so-called “education reform” supporters, PACs and 501 (c)(4) organizations.
Charter Grade Explanation
Candidates often hide behind language such as “I support public charter schools only” or “charter schools must be accountable,” in an attempt to obfuscate their position. We dig deeper and consider factors such as their position on the NAACP moratorium, whether they support charter caps, endorsements by pro-charter organizations and other factors that you can read about here.
Voucher Grade Explanation
Taxpayer money goes to private and religious schools via voucher payments or voucher workarounds often disguised as “scholarships” or “savings accounts.” This rating measures the extent to which the candidate has promoted vouchers either by their support for voucher programs at the state or federal level, their public statements regarding vouchers or voucher workarounds, or their affiliation with groups that support vouchers.
Testing Grade Explanation
When tests are used to close or punish schools, retain students, or evaluate teachers they become high-stakes tests. We rate candidates on their embrace of using tests for high-stakes purposes (often called accountability) by examining their votes and public statements.
Affiliations Grade Explanation
The company a candidate keeps matter. To derive our ratings we looked at factors including endorsements, whether they addressed groups that support privatization, and the boards on which they have served.
Donor Grade Explanation
Large donors give to candidates who support their point of view. Such donors receive special access to the candidate should they be elected. This rating measures the extent to which candidates have received large donations from so-called education reform supporters, PACs and 501 (c)(4) organizations. We considered both the number of mega-donors, PACs and 501 (c)(4) organizations known to support charters, vouchers and “education reform” who gave to the candidate as well as the amount.
Charter Grade Explanation
Candidates often hide behind language such as “I support public charter schools only” or “charter schools must be accountable”, in an attempt to obfuscate their position. We dig deeper and consider factors such as their position on the NAACP moratorium, whether they support charter caps, have they been endorsed by pro-charter organizations and other factors that you can read about here.
Voucher Grade Explanation
Taxpayer money goes to private and religious schools via voucher payments or voucher workarounds often disguised as “scholarships” or “savings accounts.” This rating measures the extent to which the candidate has promoted vouchers either my their support for voucher programs at the state or federal level, their public statements regarding vouchers or voucher workarounds or their affiliation with groups that support vouchers.
Testing Grade Explanation
When tests are used to close or punish schools, retain students or evaluate teachers they become high-stakes tests. We rate candidates on their embrace of using tests for high-stakes purposes (often called accountability) by examining their votes and public statements.
Affiliations Grade Explanation
The company a candidate keeps matter. To derive our ratings which looked at factors such as who is on the candidate’s staff, their endorsements, whether they addressed groups that support privatization, and the boards on which they have served.
Donor Grade Explanation
Large donors give to candidates who support their point of view. Such donors receive special access to the candidate should they be elected. This rating measures the extent to which candidates have received large donations from so-called education reform supporters, PACs and 501 (c)(4) organizations. We considered both the number of mega-donors, PACs and 501 (c)(4) organizations known to support charters, vouchers and “education reform” who gave to the candidate as well as the amount.
Charter Grade Explanation
Candidates often hide behind language such as “I support public charter schools only” or “charter schools must be accountable”, in an attempt to obfuscate their position. We dig deeper and consider factors such as their position on the NAACP moratorium, whether they support charter caps, have they been endorsed by pro-charter organizations and other factors that you can read about here.
Voucher Grade Explanation
Taxpayer money goes to private and religious schools via voucher payments or voucher workarounds often disguised as “scholarships” or “savings accounts.” This rating measures the extent to which the candidate has promoted vouchers either my their support for voucher programs at the state or federal level, their public statements regarding vouchers or voucher workarounds or their affiliation with groups that support vouchers.
Testing Grade Explanation
When tests are used to close or punish schools, retain students or evaluate teachers they become high-stakes tests. We rate candidates on their embrace of using tests for high-stakes purposes (often called accountability) by examining their votes and public statements.
Affiliations Grade Explanation
The company a candidate keeps matter. To derive our ratings which looked at factors such as who is on the candidate’s staff, their endorsements, whether they addressed groups that support privatization, and the boards on which they have served.
At a campaign appearance at a for-profit charter school Trump unveiled his K-12 education plan.
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If you see something we’ve missed, please click the button above to let us know what you know. Please be sure to support your claims with links to articles or videos. If you have taken your own video of an encounter with a candidate, post your video to social media or YouTube and send us the link.