NPE Action 2020 Conference: Panel Applications Are Open
What makes all of our conferences so informative and inspiring are our wonderful panels composed of friends of public education from across the nation. Therefore, we are reaching out to you.

Even though registration has not begun, we are opening our panelist application today before summer vacations begin. The application period will be open for ten weeks until July 21. If you would like to gather a panel to present, click on the button below to complete our simple application.
In keeping with our theme, we will give the highest priority to diverse panels that focus on the following:
- Fighting back against privatizations in all its forms: vouchers, charters, online schools, ESAs and tax credits.
- The different ways privatization looks in different communities. How is it affecting your school or community?
- What impact has it had on your public school’s budget?
- Effective models of community schools.
- Lack of democratic governance in schools: How do we restore community voice?
- Grassroots organizing in support of public education.
- Fighting “portfolio” districts and the intrusion of City Fund and corporate reform in urban schools.
- Strategies for strengthening community public schools with equitable practices.
To learn more about panel requirements, please go here.
If your panel is chosen, you will be notified by early August and asked to secure your registration before general registration begins. We will have a special early bird rate available for presenters.
Do not wait! Put on your thinking cap, contact fellow advocates, and send us your idea today.
Thank you for all you do. We can’t wait to see you next spring in Philadelphia!