Michelle Rief for the District A seat on the Alexandria, VA Board of Education

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Network for Public Education Action has endorsed Michelle Rief for the District A seat on the Alexandria, VA Board of Education.

Michelle is a first generation college graduate from a working class background who became a college professor. She told us that she’s “watched as the corporate education reform movement has gradually dismantled and privatized our public school system, making it harder for poor and working class kids to move up.”

When she saw this kind of reform creeping into her own school system, she decided to run to push back.

Some of her top priorities as a school board member are ensuring equitable access to educational programs and opportunities for all students, promoting respect for the professional expertise of teachers, and resisting practices and policies that encourage “teaching to the test.”

Michelle is also committed to supporting the expansion of restorative justice practices to build healthy, trusting relationships between teachers and students.

She believes in a moratorium on charter schools and full transparency of charter school finances. She also supports putting charter schools under the jurisdiction of publicly-elected school boards.

Please do what you can to help Michelle Rief win the District A seat on November 6.

Pol. adv. by the Network for Public Education Action