Melissa Dart for Henrico County School Board, Tuckahoe District

Melissa is deeply committed to the full funding of public education. She told NPE Action that public education “is a right to which all children should have equitable access. A robust public education system is the very foundation of our democracy. I cannot rest my head on the pillow at night unless I know I’ve done everything within my power to make sure everyone’s kids can get what they need from our public school system to achieve their dreams.”
For the last four years Melissa has been on the Henrico County Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC), an organization that acts as a liaison between students, schools and the school board to educate and advise on issues related to special education services in the county. Melissa also chaired a work group committee which addressed discipline as it relates to race, and is a member of the Henrico County Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee.
Melissa wants to take the skills she has developed as a parent advocate and use them to serve the community and the district.
She is committed to addressing the needs of the district’s teachers and faculty. She noted that during the past 5 years, Henrico has been losing teachers to other counties and other professions. As a board member she’ll make it a priority to carefully determine why this is happening and make improvements so that the district can attract and retain the best and the brightest.
Please be sure to get to the polls on November 5th to cast your vote for Melissa Dart, a committed parent advocate fighting for students and educators. If you’re not in the Tuckahoe district, please share our endorsement of Melissa with someone who is.