Kathy Beery for Virginia Senate District 2

The Network for Public Education Action is proud to endorse Kathy Beery for Virginia Senate District 2. Kathy was a Middle School Educator/Reading Specialist for more than 20 years. She has participated in conferences and marches for education and worked with BATS and the AFT on a groundbreaking report that surveyed teachers about their workplace conditions, which was presented to the U.S. Department of Education. She has worked to protect staff/students during COVID and educated them to understand Virginia Covid OSHA laws on PPE, FMLA, and safe reopening of school buildings. Finally, Kathy has been a speaker for public education in conferences, small groups, and interviews.
Kathy told NPE Action that she believes she can make a difference in Richmond. Kathy believes that the Senate has been able to hold off some of the worst of Governor Youngkin’s backwards leaning bills. Kathy wants to be a part of the “brick wall” to continue to keep Virginia moving forward in education, mental health, unions, housing, ERA, and women’s rights to control their own bodies. Kathy’s campaign message is Dignity and Respect for All and her goal will be full funding for public education.
To improve public education Kathy shared that Virginia must fully fund the Virginia Standards of Quality and remove the cap for support staff. She also feels that teachers’ wages need to be brought up to the National average and support staff need to make a living wage. She will work to fully repeal Right to Work. Kathy understands that broadband is still an issue in rural areas, and that it limits access in rural schools to enroll in dual enrollment classes while in high school. She will also support legislation that reduces class size and she does not support high-stakes standardized testing.
Kathy’s positions on charters and vouchers are all in line with those of NPE Action.
Here’s what Kathy told us.
Charters – Virginia has very few charter schools and they are under the control of their local school boards. I will continue to work to keep them out of Virginia. I don’t support charter schools and I have never advocated for charters.
Vouchers – Public tax dollars should go to public education. The idea that the money should follow the students is for all intents and purposes a scam and a way to destroy public education.
NPE Action urges Virginia public education supporters to get out the vote in the General Election for Kathy Beery on November 7, 2023
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. Authorized and paid for by Network for Public Education Action, PO Box 227. New York, NY 10156. 646-678-4477.