Julie von Haefen for North Carolina House of Representatives, District 36

The Network for Public Education Action is proud to endorse Julie von Haefen for North Carolina House of Representatives, District 36. Julie is the incumbent having served two consecutive terms (2018 and 2020) in the North Carolina State House of Representatives.
Julie was first inspired to run for office because of her past work in public school advocacy. She has been involved in public schools in Wake County as a Parent Teacher Association leader at the school, county, and state level and as a substitute teacher. Julie is a strong advocate and supporter of North Carolina public schools.
Julie’s campaign message is that the state legislature must fully fund and support the public school system in North Carolina at every level. Her top priorities are to increase education funding so that every child has access to a sound basic education, to expand Medicaid and provide access to affordable healthcare to hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians.
Last year, she introduced seven bills to enhance education funding and increase teacher pay and benefits. This year, she co-sponsored HB 475 to reinstate advanced degree pay for teachers, and she is drafting legislation that would revise North Carolina’s current salary schedule.
Julie’s positions on charters, vouchers, and funding are all in line with those of NPE Action. Here’s what Julie told us.
Charters: “I introduced HB 920 to make several changes to our state’s charter school program, including requiring charters to submit the same reports on student competency and achievement that are required of public schools, to be founded upon a new and innovative teaching method, to have 100% of their teachers be licensed, to provide transportation for students to and from school, to participate in the federal free or reduced meal program or create an alternative program to provide students with breakfast and lunch on campus, and to
require additional reporting and transparency when charters are being run by private corporations and not by local community members.”
Vouchers: “For too long North Carolina has funneled millions of taxpayer dollars to unregulated private schools while our public schools have been consistently underfunded. I do not support the use of vouchers currently in our state as funds have not been managed properly.”
Funding: “I am a strong advocate of fully funding the Leandro decision, a court case that would assist in providing greater funding to public schools across North Carolina. I am proud to be a leader on this issue in the House and have introduced and co-sponsored multiple pieces of legislation in support of funding the court case.”
NPE Action urges North Carolina public education supporters to get out the vote for Julie von Haefen in the general election on November 8th.
No candidate authorized this ad. It is paid for by Network for Public Education Action, New York, New York.