Gay Perry Adelmann for Jefferson County Public School Board, District 3

The Network for Public Education Action is proud to endorse Gay Perry Adelmann for Jefferson County Public School Board, District 3, Louisville, KY. Gay co-founded two pro public education advocacy groups, Save Our Schools Kentucky and Dear JCPS. She has testified at local school board meetings and House and Senate committee meetings. Gay is a board member of the Kentucky Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression.
Gay taught K-8 for two years in a high-poverty area of rural Kentucky. Gay’s campaign message is to create a safe nurturing learning environment for children and to address root cause issues that prevent children from learning.
Gay told NPE Action that her race is one of four open seats and all four have Liberty Caucus candidates running against the incumbents.
Here’s what Gay told us about testing, charters, and vouchers:
Testing: “Teachers are capable of determining the best way to evaluate their students. High stakes tests only serve to label schools and students as failing. We need less of these harmful and costly tests.”
Charters: “The charter school legislation that has been implemented in more than 40 states is predatory and harmful to public schools and the communities they serve.”
Vouchers: “No public monies intended for public schools should ever leave the district but especially not for schools that can discriminate or teach religious indoctrination.”
NPE Action urges Kentucky public education supporters to get out the vote for Gay Perry Adelmann in the Primary on November 8th.
No candidate authorized this ad. It is paid for by Network for Public Education Action, New York, New York.