Carolyn Torres for Santa Ana Unified School District Trustee

Carolyn Torres has received the endorsement of the Network for Public Education Action in her race to become a Santa Ana Unified School District Trustee.
Currently working in a 7th grade classroom, Carolyn has a Master’s in Education. She has dedicated her life to education, both inside schools and in her community. She has worked in the public school systems for over 15 years. She has been a teacher for eight years of those years and previously she tutored and mentored students in afterschool programs.
Carolyn is a grassroots organizer with the Association of Raza Educators-Los Angeles, and she is the Chair of the Education Committee with Chicanxs Unidxs, where she built a paid summer intership program that teaches community members how to research in order to organize around an issue. This last summer, two of their six interns researched two charter schools operating in Santa Ana.
A priority of her campaign is to ensure that public schools remain public. Four of her 8 years as a teacher were spent in a charter school where she saw first hand the reasons the charter sector does not work for students or teachers.
She told NPE Action that some of her other top priorities are “smaller class sizes, school safety and mental health services, fiscal responsibility and transparency of all schools that exist in the city.”
Make sure to get to the polls on November 5th to support this dedicated public school educator.