Brad Fiscus for Tennessee House District 63

The Network for Public Education Action is proud to endorse Brad Fiscus for Tennessee House District 63.
Brad is a teacher with 13 years of experience and an outspoken opponent of vouchers. He currently serves as the Board Secretary for the pro-public education organization, Pastors for Tennessee Children. In 2018 he was elected as the Fourth District Representative of the Williamson County Board of Education.
Brad has come forward to run against the former Speaker of the House, Rep. Glen Casada (R), who held a floor vote open for over 40 minutes in order to strong-arm fellow Representatives to change their vote from “no” to “yes” on an unconstitutional voucher bill.
Brad told us that if elected, his top priorities are “ending the Educational Savings Account program once and for all in Tennessee” and “making public education the priority for funding.” He also told NPE Action that he would “work to increase teacher pay so that teachers can make a salary in line with their value to society.”
He supports a moratorium on charter schools, which he believes are just “another attempt to privatize public education.” He has also committed to minimizing high-stakes testing and reducing class sizes.
You will find Brad on the November ballot, running as an Independent. We hope you will share this endorsement with your family and friends, and encourage them to come out to the polls to help Brad, a true public education supporter, unseat the pro-voucher Speaker of the House.
No candidate authorized this ad. It is paid for by Network for Public Education Action, New York, New York.