America First Puts Public Schools Last: What You Can Do to Stop It
Published by Darcie CimarustiThere is no doubt that the America First Agenda for America targets our public schools for destruction. You can watch our short video about it here.
But we are not giving up on our public school children, nor are you. Here is what you can do.
1. Attend the NPE/NPE Action Conference. There is nothing more important that you can do to help save public schools. You will gather with like-minded advocates from all over the nation to hear experts on how to defend public education in your community and state. Don’t wait. We will announce an exciting special guest speaker shortly, and our limited rooms and registrations will quickly be taken. Click HERE to register today.

2. Get the Facts and Then Share Them in Your Community
Diane Ravitch does a masterful job of explaining the incoming Administration’s plan to undermine public education and impose “their kind of indoctrination” here.
Many parents who love their public education don’t understand that the choice agenda is a bait-and-switch scheme to deprive students of their right to a free education. My article outlines the plan here.
3. Let Us Know What Bills are in the Docket in Your State
Public Funds Public Schools does brilliant work tracking voucher legislation. Therefore, NPE Action will identify good and bad charter school legislation and send action alerts. When a charter bill is proposed in your state, email me at carol@npeaction, and I will add it to our list.
For example, this bill introduced in Indiana would shut down public school districts if 50% of the students who live in the district did not attend the public schools. The public schools would be turned into charter schools. Make no mistake. The charter movement has been hijacked by the right to destroy public education.

The Network for Public Education Action strongly opposes the nomination of Linda McMahon as U.S. Secretary of Education. Ms. McMahon is unqualified and inexperienced in school governance. She has demonstrated little interest in children or schools outside of a short, politically appointed stint on the Connecticut Board of Education.
We are deeply concerned that the World Wrestling Entertainment industry she chose to develop glorifies violence and bullying, thus presenting negative behavior and role models for children.
Ms. McMahon is the chair of the America First Institute, which supports school choice through the money-follows-the-child voucher model. She will spread charter schools and roll back the 2022 reform regulations on the CSP. America First seeks to micro-manage the curriculum of our public schools and threatens to withhold federal funds for what she and the President consider to be “incorrect” history.
Email your Senators that Linda McMahon is an unacceptable choice to lead the Department of Education. Even if you sent one before, please send one again. We have updated our letter and Senate list. Send yours here.