Alert: Help fight the Koch Brothers in Arizona

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The Koch Brothers have staked their claim. The November Arizona referendum to stop the expansion of school privatization is their Ground Zero.

Help SOS Arizona fight the Koch Brothers here.

The Koch’s, through Americans for Prosperity, are pulling out all of the stops. They are joined in their efforts by Betsy DeVos’s American Federation for Children and the Goldwater Institute.

Of all of the various school privatization schemes, Educational Savings Accounts (called Empowerment Scholarship Accounts in Arizona) are the most market-based and the least accountable. They are a cynical ploy that reduces society’s obligation to educate our nation’s youth to the dropping of tax dollars onto a debit card to used at private schools, religious schools, online schools and home schools.  The requirement? Parents must sign away their right to send their child to a public school.

You can read more about ESAs and the threat they pose in this Valerie Strauss Answersheet blog in which I explain ESAs and the clever marketing strategies that the Koch’s, DeVos and others are using to spread them using ALEC legislation.

Right now we need you to join the fight and support our friends at SOS Arizona.

THIS IS NOT JUST AN ARIZONA FIGHT. If this is the Koch Brothers’ Ground Zero it must be our Ground Zero, too.

Join us in giving generously to SOS Arizona–make you donation here.

Then share this link to let your friends and neighbors know what Education Savings Accounts are all about.

Analysis | Trump and DeVos love ‘Education Savings Accounts.’ You should know how they really work.

“Of all of the various school choice programs, Educational Savings Accounts are the most market-based and the least accountable,” writes a former award-winning high school principal.