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Below you will find a letter writing campaign to Gov. McAuliffe and tweets you can click and send to thank him for vetoing anti-public education bills that landed on his desk. You can only send a letter if you’re a Virginia resident, but anyone can send him a tweet!

It’s important to support and recognize our elected officials when they do the right thing for our schools and our children.



[ctt_author author=”7348″ name=”NPE Action” template=”1″ link=”b1IUN” via=”yes” ]Thank you Governor Terry McAuliffe for stopping charter expansion in Virginia![/ctt_author]


[ctt_author author=”7348″ name=”NPE Action” template=”1″ link=”vY91_” via=”yes” ]Thank you Governor Terry McAuliffe for stopping virtual charters in Virginia![/ctt_author]


[ctt_author author=”7348″ name=”NPE Action” template=”1″ link=”vwF6o” via=”no” ]Thank you Governor Terry McAuliffe for stopping education savings accounts – AKA vouchers – in Virginia![/ctt_author]


[ctt_author author=”7361″ name=”NPE Action” template=”1″ link=”0e1pf” via=”yes” ]Thank you Governor Terry McAuliffe – you are a champion of public schools![/ctt_author]